Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mossarium update

I think the bird's nest fern may have a baby.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Under the 110 and over the river

Just a quick shot from the pedestrian walkway beneath the 110 just east of Elysian Park as we trod Dan Koeppel's post-Thanksgiving walk (that's Dan of the Big Parade LA).

Many gorgeous, unexpected vistas discovered that day - many thanks to Dan and fellow trekkers!

Vernalization - or an early Xmas jade

Looks like an early Christmas - as the very common (and lovely) jade plants in Los Angeles usually bloom later in December. The early weeks of cold have accelerated the flowering - and coincidentally I just learned about the process of vernalization: the acquisition of a plant's ability to flower or germinate in the spring by exposure to the prolonged cold of winter.

Personal space at work - food and text

Ah, my unloading at my cube, with my lunch and personal items to the right of the "work station."

The poet looks hungry - mad hungry. Maybe he's looking beyond the banana to the Boccalone lunchbag and its promised of "Tasty Salted Pig Parts."